
Import Packages

First thing first, we import a bunch of packages used in our analysis, mainly for scraping, text preprocessing, analyzing text, and visualization.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import pandas as pd

# text preprocessing
import re
import dateparser
from datetime import datetime
from itertools import repeat
from gensim.utils import simple_preprocess

# analyzing text
from gensim.models import Word2Vec
from nltk.probability import FreqDist
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

# visualization
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
from wordcloud import WordCloud, ImageColorGenerator
from PIL import Image
from adjustText import adjust_text

# other
import os
import time
import math
import multiprocessing
from tqdm import tqdm

Set Notebook Options

  • Set color of plot to match with chosen jupyterthemes style
  • Suppress warning of pandas chaining assignment

from jupyterthemes import jtplot
pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None

Topic of Interest

Before we jump into scraping step, let's us define a query which will be our topic of interest. At the time of writing this post, Coronavirus is considered as the next viral pandemic of public health - tens of thousands of people are infected which causing thousands of death. Here, we are interested to see how the Indonesian news media reports on "corona".

query = "corona"


There will be two sites as our main source of analysis: and The workflow for scraping is as follow:

  1. Access the link, followed by the search query parameter
  2. Get the total page number found based on query
  3. Get the title and URL for each article
  4. Loop through each URL to scrape the content of each article and its detail (Category, Author Name, Posted Date)
  5. Save to .tsv file

Scrape from

In this step, we access followed by the "corona" query and scrape the raw HTML content.

url_base = ""
url_query = url_base + "/search?q=" + query
req = requests.get(url_query)
soup = BeautifulSoup(req.content, "html.parser")
'<!DOCTYPE html>\n\n<html data-n-head="lang" data-n-head-ssr="" lang="id">\n<head>\n<meta charset="utf-8" data-hid="charset" data-n-head="true"/><meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" data-hid="viewport" data-n-head="true" name="viewport"/><meta content="yes" data-hid="mobile-web-app-capable" data-n-head="true" name="mobile-web-app-capable"/><meta content="corona" data-n-head="true" name="title"/><meta content="900" data-n-head="true" http-equiv="refresh"/><title data-n-head="true">Cari '

Get Total Page Number

Before we loop through each page, we identify the total_page which can be found on the pagination.

    find_pagination = soup.findAll("li", attrs={"class": "pagination-item"})
    pagination_list = [row.a.text for row in find_pagination]
    total_page = int(pagination_list[-2])

    print("Total Page: {}".format(total_page))
    print("Article Not Found")
Total Page: 59

Get Title and URL

Get the title and URL for each article by looping from the first page until total_page. Store it as an article dictionary and append to tirtoid_articles list.

tirtoid_articles = []
for page_num in tqdm(range(1, total_page+1)):
    url = url_query + "&p=" + str(page_num)
    r = requests.get(url)
    s = BeautifulSoup(r.content, "html.parser")

    find_article = s.findAll("div", attrs={"class": "news-list-fade"})
    for row in find_article:
        article = {}
        article['title'] = row.h1.text
        article['url'] = url_base + row.a['href']
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 59/59 [00:39<00:00,  1.49it/s]
print("Total Articles: {}".format(len(tirtoid_articles)))
Total Articles: 530
[{'title': 'Update Virus Corona: Daftar 30 Negara yang Terjangkit COVID-19',
  'url': ''},
 {'title': 'Corona Meluas di Italia, Fashion Show Giorgio Armani Digelar Online',
  'url': ''},
 {'title': 'Sembilan WNI Kru Kapal Diamond Princess Terinfeksi Virus Corona',
  'url': ''}]

Get Article Details

Get article details such as article category, author name, posted date, and content by looping through each dictionary on tirtoid_articles list.

counter = 0
for article in tqdm(tirtoid_articles):
    counter += 1

    # access the article url
    req_article = requests.get(article['url'])
    soup_article = BeautifulSoup(req_article.content, "html.parser")

    # preprocessing html
    for s in soup_article(['script', 'style']):
    for br in soup_article.find_all("br"):
        br.replace_with(" ")

    # get article category
    find_category = soup_article.findAll("a", attrs={"itemprop": "item"})
    article['category'] = find_category[-1].text if len(find_category) else ""

    # get author name and posted date
    find_author_date = soup_article.find(
        "span", attrs={"class": "detail-date"})

    match =":[a-zA-Z\\.\\s]+-", find_author_date.text)
    if match is not None:
        article['author_name'] = re.sub(
            r'\t', '',[2:-2].title())

    match ="\\d{1,2} [a-zA-Z]+ \\d{4}", find_author_date.text)
    if match is not None:
        article['posted_date'] =

    # get article content (but exclude the "Baca juga" section)
    find_baca_juga_section = soup_article.find(
        "div", attrs={"class": "baca-holder"})
        if find_baca_juga_section is not None:

    content = ""
    article_table = soup_article.findAll(
        "div", attrs={"class": "content-text-editor"})[:-1]
    article['content'] = " ".join(
        [re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', row.text) for row in article_table])
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 530/530 [12:33<00:00,  1.42s/it]

Save to .tsv File

Finally, convert the list of dictionaries into DataFrame and save it into a .tsv file for further analysis.

tirtoid_df = pd.DataFrame(tirtoid_articles)
tirtoid_df.to_csv("output/tirtoid_{}.tsv".format(query), sep="\t", index=False)

Scrape from

In this step, we access followed by the "corona" query and scrape the raw HTML content.

url_base = ""
url_query = url_base + "/search/searchnews?query=" + query
req = requests.get(url_query)
soup = BeautifulSoup(req.content, "html.parser")
'<!DOCTYPE html>\n\n<html lang="id-ID">\n<head>\n<meta charset="utf-8"/>\n<meta content="IE=edge" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"/>\n<meta content="initial-scale = 1.0, user-scalable = no, width=device-width, height=device-height, maximum-scale=1.0" name="viewport"/>\n<meta content="yes" name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable">\n<meta content="desktop" name="platform">\n<title>detiksearch</title>\n<!--s:dtkprv-->\n<!--e:dtkprv--><link href="" rel="shortcut icon" ty'

Get Total Page Number

Before we loop through each page, we calculate the total_article which can be found on the search result page. Each result page contains 9 articles, and detik only provides maximum up to 1111 pages.

    find_total_article = soup.find("div", attrs={"class": "search-result"})
    total_article_match ="\\d+", find_total_article.span.text)
    total_article = int(

    total_page = int(math.ceil(total_article/9))
    total_page = min(1111, total_page)  # detik only provides max. 1111 pages

    print("Total Page: {}".format(total_page))
    print("Article Not Found")
Total Page: 504

Get Article Details

Get the details for each article by looping from the first page until total_page. Store it as an article dictionary and append to detikcom_articles list. The article details include URL, title, category, and posted date.

detikcom_articles = []
counter = 0
for page_num in tqdm(range(1, total_page+1)):
    counter += 1

    url = url_query + "&page=" + str(page_num)
    r = requests.get(url)
    s = BeautifulSoup(r.content, "html.parser")

    find_article = s.findAll("article")
    for row in find_article:
        article = {}

        # get url
        article['url'] = row.a['href']

        # get title
        article['title'] = row.h2.text

        # get category
        find_category = row.find("span", attrs={"class": "category"})
        article['category'] = find_category.text

        # get posted date
        article['posted_date'] = row.find("span", attrs={"class": "date"}).text

100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 504/504 [03:00<00:00,  2.79it/s]
print("Total Articles: {}".format(len(detikcom_articles)))
Total Articles: 4535
[{'url': '',
  'title': "Sama-sama 'Virus Corona', Ini Bedanya SARS-CoV-2 dan COVID-19",
  'category': 'detikHealth',
  'posted_date': 'Senin, 24 Feb 2020 16:50 WIB'},
 {'url': '',
  'title': 'Jika Dievakuasi, WNI di Diamond Princess Juga Akan Diobservasi di Pulau Sebaru',
  'category': 'detikNews',
  'posted_date': 'Senin, 24 Feb 2020 16:46 WIB'},
 {'url': '',
  'title': 'Koreografer Jerman Kolaborasi Bareng Seniman Indonesia dari 5 Kota',
  'category': 'detikHot',
  'posted_date': 'Senin, 24 Feb 2020 16:41 WIB'}]

Get Article Contents

Get articles contents and author name by looping through each dictionary on detikcom_articles list.

counter = 0
for article in tqdm(detikcom_articles):
    counter += 1

    # access the article url
        req_article = requests.get(article['url'] + "?single=1")

    soup_article = BeautifulSoup(req_article.content, "html.parser")

    # preprocessing html
    for s in soup_article(['script', 'style']):
    for br in soup_article.find_all("br"):
        br.replace_with(" ")

    # get author name
    match ="[a-zA-Z\\.\\s]+-", find_author_date.text)
    if match is not None:
        article['author_name'] =[:-2].title()

    # get article content
    content = ""
    find_div = soup_article.find("div", attrs={"class": "detail__body-text"})
    if find_div is None:
        find_div = soup_article.find("div", attrs={"class": "itp_bodycontent"})
    if find_div is None:
        find_div = soup_article.find("div", attrs={"class": "detail_text"})

    if find_div is not None:
        article_content = find_div.findAll("p")
        if len(article_content) == 0:
            article_content = [find_div]
        article['content'] = " ".join(
            [re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', row.text) for row in article_content])
        article['content'] = ""
100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 4535/4535 [1:36:21<00:00,  1.27s/it]

Save to .tsv File

Finally, convert the list of dictionaries into DataFrame and save it into a .tsv file for further analysis.

detikcom_df = pd.DataFrame(detikcom_articles)
                   sep="\t", index=False)

Combine Articles

In this section, we read both of the saved .tsv files from output folder and do some preprocessing as follows:

  1. Parse the posted_date column into yyyy-mm-dd format
  2. Replace NaN with empty string ''
  3. Add new column site to identify the source of articles
tirtoid_articles = pd.read_csv("output/tirtoid_{}.tsv".format(query),
                               date_parser=dateparser.parse).replace(np.nan, '', regex=True)
tirtoid_articles['site'] = 'tirtoid'

title url category author_name posted_date content site
0 Update Virus Corona: Daftar 30 Negara yang Ter... Kesehatan Dipna Videlia Putsanra 2020-02-24 Update virus corona 24 Februari: COVID-19 tela... tirtoid
1 Corona Meluas di Italia, Fashion Show Giorgio ... Sosial Budaya Dewi Adhitya S. Koesno 2020-02-24 Akibat wabah virus corona meluas di Italia, Gi... tirtoid
2 Sembilan WNI Kru Kapal Diamond Princess Terinf... Kesehatan Andrian Pratama Taher 2020-02-24 Kapal pesiar mewah Diamond Princess tengah dik... tirtoid
3 Dampak Virus Corona: Samsung Tutup Sementara P... Teknologi Ibnu Azis 2020-02-24 Samsung tutup sementara pabrik yang bikin Gala... tirtoid
4 Virus Corona 24 Februari: 2.470 Meninggal, 79.... Kesehatan Dipna Videlia Putsanra 2020-02-24 Update jumlah korban virus corona: 2.470 orang... tirtoid
detikcom_articles = pd.read_csv(
    "output/detikcom_{}.tsv".format(query), sep="\t").replace(np.nan, '', regex=True)
detikcom_articles['posted_date'] = detikcom_articles['posted_date'].str.extract(
    '(\d{2} [A-Za-z]+ \d{4})')[0].apply(dateparser.parse)
detikcom_articles['site'] = 'detikcom'

url title category posted_date author_name content site
0 Sama-sama 'Virus Corona', Ini Bedanya SARS-CoV... detikHealth 2020-02-24 Selfie Miftahul Jannah Sejak kemunculannya di Desember 2019 lalu, pen... detikcom
1 Jika Dievakuasi, WNI di Diamond Princess Juga ... detikNews 2020-02-24 Selfie Miftahul Jannah Pemerintah masih bernegosiasi dengan pihak Jep... detikcom
2 Koreografer Jerman Kolaborasi Bareng Seniman I... detikHot 2020-02-24 Selfie Miftahul Jannah Koreografer ternama Jerman, Claudia Bosse, ber... detikcom
3 Rusia Dituding Sebar Teori Konspirasi AS Dalan... detikInet 2020-02-24 Selfie Miftahul Jannah Rusia dituding oleh pejabat Amerika Serikat ba... detikcom
4 Italia Dikacaukan Virus Corona detikNews 2020-02-24 Selfie Miftahul Jannah Liga Italia dan sejumlah kegiatan yang melibat... detikcom

Another things to do are:

  1. Combine both of the DataFrame into one
  2. Convert column category and site as categorical data type
combined_articles = pd.concat(
    [tirtoid_articles, detikcom_articles], ignore_index=True)
combined_articles[['category', 'site']] = combined_articles[[
    'category', 'site']].astype('category')
title                  object
url                    object
category             category
author_name            object
posted_date    datetime64[ns]
content                object
site                 category
dtype: object

Here's the article count for each site:

detikcom    4535
tirtoid      530
Name: content, dtype: int64

Analyze Posting Pattern

Let's us analyze how tirto and detik post articles about "corona" from time to time.

Data Preparation

We are only interested with the articles which are posted in 2020. So, let's subset the combined_articles into articles_2020. Turns out more than 90% of the scraped articles posted in 2020, and the remaining 10% will be ignored.

start_date = '2020-01-01'
current_date ="%Y-%m-%d")
articles_2020 = combined_articles[(combined_articles['posted_date'] >= start_date) & (
    combined_articles['posted_date'] < current_date)]
print('Percentage of Articles before {}: ~{:.2f}%'.format(
    start_date, 100*(1-articles_2020.shape[0]/combined_articles.shape[0])))
Percentage of Articles before 2020-01-01: ~10.09%
title url category author_name posted_date content site
8 Dampak Virus Corona: Serie A Tunda Jadwal Tiga... Olahraga Gilang Ramadhan 2020-02-23 Wabah virus corona (covid-19) di Italia mengak... tirtoid
19 Cristiano Ronaldo Samai Rekor Gabriel Batistut... Olahraga Gilang Ramadhan 2020-02-23 Cristiano menjadi pemain pertama yang mencetak... tirtoid
20 Allianz Antisipasi Virus Corona dengan Tingkat... Sosial Budaya Yandri Daniel Damaledo 2020-02-21 Allianz Indonesia melakukan sejumlah langkah a... tirtoid
21 Pembangunan Kereta Cepat Indo-Cina Terhambat K... Ekonomi Hendra Friana 2020-02-21 Para pekerja proyek kereta cepat Jakarta-Bandu... tirtoid
22 Menkes Sebut Corona Bisa Buka Peluang Industri... Sosial Budaya Yandri Daniel Damaledo 2020-02-21 Menkes Terawan Agus Putranto menyebutkan, viru... tirtoid

Let's do aggregation for articles_2020 as follow:

  1. Count articles by each site and posted_date
  2. Total the aggregated articles_count across each row
  3. Set posted_date as index
  4. Replace NaN with 0
articles_count = articles_2020.groupby(['site', 'posted_date'])[

# total
articles_count.columns = articles_count.columns.add_categories(['total'])
articles_count['total'] = articles_count.sum(axis=1)

# reindex
date_2020 = pd.date_range(start=start_date, end=max(articles_count.index))
articles_count = articles_count.reindex(date_2020)

# replace
articles_count = articles_count.fillna(0)

site detikcom tirtoid total
2020-02-19 84.0 18.0 102.0
2020-02-20 74.0 19.0 93.0
2020-02-21 103.0 15.0 118.0
2020-02-22 34.0 2.0 36.0
2020-02-23 39.0 2.0 41.0

Create Line Plot

The data is now ready to be visualized using line plot.

# line plot
ax = articles_count.plot(xlim=pd.Timestamp(start_date),

# mean line
mean_value = articles_count['total'].mean()
plt.text(s="Total count mean",
         y=mean_value + 10,

# set x axis ticks
plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, horizontalalignment='right')

# modify legend title
handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax.legend(handles, labels)

# add label
plt.xlabel('Posted Date')
plt.title("Articles Count on {} (2020)".format(query.title()))

Note: Each tick on x-axis corresponds to Monday.

From the line plot, we can conclude that:

  • The articles on "corona" blew up starting from the third week of January 2020 and reach its peak on the first week of February 2020.
  • There is a seasonality which cycles every week. Each cycle peaks during the first half of a week and lowers during the weekend.
  • post "corona" articles about four times more frequent than did.

Analyze Article Contents

Text Preprocessing

Before we jump into the analysis, the scraped text must be preprocessed by:

  1. Removing stopwords, which are generally a list of most common words used in a language
  2. Removing numbers and punctuation

These words are removed because do not provide any useful information to decide the context of a sentences. Here are the references for Bahasa Indonesia stopwords available on data_input/stopwords-list folder:

stopwords_path = "data_input/stopwords-list/stopwords-id"
stopwords_list = []
for filename in os.listdir(stopwords_path):
    stopwords = list(
        open("{}/{}".format(stopwords_path, filename)).read().splitlines())

stopwords_list = sorted(set(stopwords_list))
week_month_name = list(open(
custom_stopwords = ['', 'baca juga', 'gambas', 'video detik', 'rp']

def remove_words(sentence, words2remove):
    for word in words2remove:
        sentence = re.sub(r'\b' + word + r'\b', '', sentence.lower())
        sentence = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', sentence).strip()
    return sentence

def text_cleaning(text):
    col_name =

    # remove stopwords
    print("Removing stopwords of {}".format(col_name))
    text = list(map(remove_words, tqdm(text), repeat(
        stopwords_list + custom_stopwords + week_month_name)))

    # remove numbers and punctuations
    text = list(map(simple_preprocess, text))
    clean_text = list(map(' '.join, text))

    return clean_text
clean_title = text_cleaning(articles_2020['title'])
clean_content = text_cleaning(articles_2020['content'])
Removing stopwords of title
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 4554/4554 [06:05<00:00, 12.45it/s]
Removing stopwords of content
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 4554/4554 [21:50<00:00,  3.47it/s]

Save the preprocessed title and content to a seperate .tsv file.

articles_2020['clean_title'] = clean_title
articles_2020['clean_content'] = clean_content
articles_2020.to_csv("output/articles_2020_clean_{}.tsv".format(query), sep="\t", index=False)
articles_2020_clean = pd.read_csv("output/articles_2020_clean_{}.tsv".format(query), sep="\t")
title url category author_name posted_date content site clean_title clean_content
0 Dampak Virus Corona: Serie A Tunda Jadwal Tiga... Olahraga Gilang Ramadhan 2020-02-23 Wabah virus corona (covid-19) di Italia mengak... tirtoid dampak virus corona serie tunda jadwal pertand... wabah virus corona covid italia mengakibatkan ...
1 Cristiano Ronaldo Samai Rekor Gabriel Batistut... Olahraga Gilang Ramadhan 2020-02-23 Cristiano menjadi pemain pertama yang mencetak... tirtoid cristiano ronaldo samai rekor gabriel batistut... cristiano pemain mencetak rekor gol beruntun k...
2 Allianz Antisipasi Virus Corona dengan Tingkat... Sosial Budaya Yandri Daniel Damaledo 2020-02-21 Allianz Indonesia melakukan sejumlah langkah a... tirtoid allianz antisipasi virus corona tingkatkan keb... allianz indonesia langkah antisipasi virus cor...
3 Pembangunan Kereta Cepat Indo-Cina Terhambat K... Ekonomi Hendra Friana 2020-02-21 Para pekerja proyek kereta cepat Jakarta-Bandu... tirtoid pembangunan kereta cepat indo cina terhambat c... pekerja proyek kereta cepat jakarta bandung ci...
4 Menkes Sebut Corona Bisa Buka Peluang Industri... Sosial Budaya Yandri Daniel Damaledo 2020-02-21 Menkes Terawan Agus Putranto menyebutkan, viru... tirtoid menkes corona buka peluang industri farmasi ne... menkes terawan agus putranto virus corona memb...

Here are the list of preprocessed text to be analyze:

clean_text = list(pd.concat([articles_2020_clean['clean_title'],
['dampak virus corona serie tunda jadwal pertandingan',
 'wabah virus corona covid italia mengakibatkan jadwal pertandingan serie ditunda perdana menteri italia giuseppe conte memerintahkan penundaan olahraga kawasan lombardy emilia romagna veneto penundaan mencegah penyebaran virus corona covid akibatnya jadwal pertandingan serie giornata laga inter milan vs sampdoria hellas verona vs cagliari atalanta vs sassuolo ditunda konferensi pers menteri olahraga italia vincenzo spadafora melarang wilayah izin berkomunikasi perdana menteri federasi menangguhkan olahraga provinsi terdampak virus corona spadafora dikutip tuttomercatoweb mengevaluasi keamanan maksimal penduduk sipil jam spadafora diumumkan pertandingan laga serie ascoli vs cremonese pisa vs venezia jadwal serie serie ditunda walikota milan giuseppe sala resmi menunda laga inter milan vs sampdoria diumumkan inter laman resmi jadwal laga tunda diumumkan italia mengonfirmasi korban meninggal virus corona total resmi didiagnosa terjangkit virus corona negara infeksi virus corona berasal regional lombardy veneto emilia romagna lazio turis china piedmont italia negara eropa laporan korban virus corona laporan teranyar la gazzetta dello sport positif terjangkit virus corona lombardy bertambah laga leg babak liga eropa inter milan vs ludogorets dijadwalkan terancam ditunda gazzetta pertandingan dilanjutkan dilangsungkan tertutup penjagaan ketat kompleks suning center dibutuhkan izin dokumen area olahraga stadion san siro baca allianz antisipasi virus corona tingkatkan kebersihan update virus corona dilaporkan korea polisi hong kong positif corona kepolisian karantina personel']

Word Count

We tokenize each sentences in the clean_text list and calculate the frequency of each word in our scraped articles. Here, we are only interested with the top 50 most frequent words.

top_n_words = 50

tokens = ' '.join(clean_text).split(' ')
fd = FreqDist(tokens)
word_freq = pd.DataFrame(list(fd.items()), columns=["Word", "Frequency"])\
    .sort_values(by='Frequency', ascending=False)
top_50_words = word_freq[:top_n_words]
Word Frequency
1 virus 19760
2 corona 18294
80 china 10816
232 indonesia 6208
364 wuhan 5371

Frequency Distribution

Let's us visualize the top_50_words using bar chart.

ax = top_50_words.plot(kind='barh', x='Word')

# add label
plt.title("Top {} Word Count on {} Articles".format(
    top_n_words, query.title()))
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(6, 8)

From the bar chart, it's obvious that 'virus' and 'corona' will appear as the most frequent words. But there are several words from the same category being mentioned, such as:

  • Country/city: 'china', 'indonesia', 'wuhan', 'jakarta', 'natuna', 'singapura', 'jepang', 'as', 'hubei'
  • Institute: 'kesehatan', 'pemerintah', 'kementerian', 'menteri', 'who'
  • Impact: 'masker', 'kapal', 'penerbangan', 'pesawat', 'ekonomi', 'bandara', 'harga', 'pasar'

Word Cloud

To make the frequency distribution looks more visually appealing, let's make a word cloud with data_input/china-map.png as the mask.

# define mask
mask = np.array("data_input/china-map.png"))
mask[mask == 0] = 255

# create wordcloud
wordcloud_text = ' '.join(clean_text)
wordcloud = WordCloud(

# visualize
image_colors = ImageColorGenerator(mask)
plt.figure(figsize=[10, 10])


So far we only focus on the frequency in which each word appears, but haven't look into the context of a word yet. Word2Vec is one technique to learn word embeddings using shallow neural network, which capable to capture semantic and syntactic similarity of words.

Inspect Corpus

Let's us get some statistics of our clean corpus stored in tokens.

unique_words = set(tokens)
print("Token size: {} words".format(len(tokens)))
print("Unique token size: {} words".format(len(unique_words)))
avg_freq_token = len(tokens)/len(unique_words)
print("Average Frequency for each token: {0:.2f} times".format(avg_freq_token))
Token size: 690601 words
Unique token size: 32879 words
Average Frequency for each token: 21.00 times

Training Model

We will be using gensim packages to train the model. Here are the explanation of each parameters (Documentation):

  • sentences = list of tokens to be trained
  • size = dimensionality of word vectors
  • window = max. distance between the current and predicted word within a sentence
  • min_count = ignore tokens with total frequency below this number
  • workers = number of workers thread to train the model
  • iter = number of iteration over the corpus
  • seed = seed for the random number generator
clean_token = list(map(simple_preprocess, clean_text))
model = Word2Vec(clean_token,
                 workers=multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1,

Rather than we train the same model every time we load this notebook, let's us use the pre-trained model.

model = Word2Vec.load("cache/word2vec_{}.model".format(query))

Dimensionality Reduction

The size of previous Word2Vec model is defined to be 500 dimensions. In order to visualize it in a plot, we have to reduce the dimensionality to 2 or 3 dimensions. In this section, we use PCA and t-SNE to reduce the dimension into 2 (x and y coordinates). The output of the two methods will be different, giving us two plots from different perspective.

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

vocab = list(model.wv.vocab)
pca = PCA(n_components=2, random_state=123)
X_pca = pca.fit_transform(model[vocab])

word_plot_pca = pd.DataFrame(X_pca, index=vocab, columns=['x', 'y'])
x y
dampak -6.705246 10.770574
virus -14.035304 -0.235443
corona -15.069201 -0.007217
tunda -0.249787 -0.554645
jadwal -0.775143 1.593133

t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE)

vocab = list(model.wv.vocab)
tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, random_state=123)
X_tsne = tsne.fit_transform(model[vocab])

word_plot_tsne = pd.DataFrame(X_tsne, index=vocab, columns=['x', 'y'])
x y
dampak -0.639069 -1.231255
virus 0.360826 0.692630
corona 0.329772 0.735669
tunda -1.624454 1.872935
jadwal -0.719885 -0.252611

Cluster of Words

We can visualize word_plot_pca and word_plot_tsne as cluster of words in two dimensions. Two similar words will be plotted close to each other.

fig, [ax1, ax2] = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2)

ax1.scatter(word_plot_pca['x'], word_plot_pca['y'])
for word, row in word_plot_pca.iterrows():
    ax1.annotate(word, (row['x'], row['y']))

ax2.scatter(word_plot_tsne['x'], word_plot_tsne['y'])
for word, row in word_plot_tsne.iterrows():
    ax2.annotate(word, (row['x'], row['y']))

ax1.title.set_text("Cluster of Words (PCA)")
ax2.title.set_text("Cluster of Words (T-SNE)")
plt.setp([ax1, ax2], xticks=[], yticks=[])
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(15, 5)

But unfortunately both of the plot looks very unpleasant, crowded with the tokens. Therefore, it's better for us to construct a word similarity network.

Word Similarity Network

In this very last section, we try to build a word similarity network for a cleaner visualization. Two words will be linked together if they are similar to each other based on cosine similarity. This value can be obtained by using model.wv.most_similar() function. Here's the explanation of each parameter for plot_word_similarity_network() function:

  • word_plot = DataFrame which contains the vector representation of each word
  • root = word of interest
  • neighbour = number of most similar words to be linked together
  • levels = max. number of connection levels, root is considered as level = 0

def plot_word_similarity_network(word_plot, root, neighbour, levels):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()

    colors = 'rbycgmk'
    def text_sizes(x): return 26-3*x
    hierarchy_dict = {}
    plotted_words = [root]
    annotation_list = []
    avoid_list = []

    for level in range(levels+1):
        if level == 0:
            # only plot root word
            coord = (word_plot.loc[root]['x'], word_plot.loc[root]['y'])

            # plot point
            p = ax.scatter(coord[0], coord[1],
                           s=100, c=colors[level],

            # annotate
            txt = ax.text(coord[0], coord[1], root,
            similar_words = [root]
            current_hierarchy_words = []
            hierarchy_words = []

            for word in similar_words:
                next_similar_words = [word for word, sim in model.wv.most_similar(word)[
                for sim_word in next_similar_words:
                    if sim_word not in plotted_words:
                            "{} -> {}".format(word, sim_word))

                        coord = (word_plot.loc[sim_word]['x'],
                        # plot line
                        l = ax.annotate('',
                                        arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='-', lw=1, color=colors[level-1]))

                        # plot point
                        p = ax.scatter(coord[0], coord[1],
                                       s=100, c=colors[level],
                                       label="Level {}".format(level))

                        # annotate
                        txt = ax.text(coord[0], coord[1], sim_word,

                similar_words = current_hierarchy_words
            hierarchy_dict[level] = hierarchy_words

    # show legend, without duplicate
    handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
    unique = [(h, l) for i, (h, l) in enumerate(
        zip(handles, labels)) if l not in labels[:i]]
    ax.legend(*zip(*unique), loc="upper right", bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1))

    # modify axis, title, and size
    plt.title("Word Similarity Network of '{}'\n(Neighbour: {})".format(
        root.title(), neighbour))
    plt.gcf().set_size_inches(15, 20)

    # repel
    return hierarchy_dict
hierarchy_dict_pca = plot_word_similarity_network(
hierarchy_dict_tsne = plot_word_similarity_network(
{1: ['corona -> mematikan',
  'corona -> korona',
  'corona -> ncov',
  'corona -> covid',
  'corona -> china'],
 2: ['mematikan -> wabah',
  'korona -> sars',
  'korona -> kian',
  'korona -> manusia',
  'korona -> sentimen',
  'ncov -> virus',
  'ncov -> coronavirus',
  'ncov -> pneumonia',
  'covid -> meninggal',
  'covid -> dilaporkan',
  'china -> cina',
  'china -> negara',
  'china -> wuhan',
  'china -> indonesia']}

Both of the similarity network visualize the same connection, only with a different perspective.

From the visualization, we can analyze the first level of similarity:

  • 'ncov', 'korona', and 'covid' which basically the synonym/epidemic name for 'corona'.
  • 'china' as the corona virus was first identified in Wuhan, China.
  • 'mematikan' as the number of death cases keep increasing from time to time (source)

Interestingly, the Word2Vec model can capture the fact that corona is also related to other respiratory problem such as 'sars' (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and 'pneumonia' (lung infection) just within two levels of similarity.


In this post, we successfully scrape thousands of article from and From there, we analyze the seasonality present in the posting pattern plot and also train a Word2Vec model to capture the context of words. There are several things that could be improved in the future:

  1. Predict the posting pattern using time series forecasting.
  2. Increase corpus size for a more robust model.
  3. Using skip-gram architecture for Word2Vec model, and compare it with CBOW (Continuous Bag-of-Words).