
Business Problem

In this post, we will try to analyze the factor of medical cost for personal insurance (charges) using Multiple Linear Regression. This use case is provided on Kaggle: Medical Cost Personal Datasets and the dataset is available on GitHub: Data for Machine Learning with R.

Import Packages

First of all, let's us import packages used in this analysis, mainly for data analysis, visualization, and modeling.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# visualization
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import display, HTML

# modeling
from scipy import stats
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import statsmodels.api as sm
import sklearn.metrics as metrics
from statsmodels.stats.outliers_influence import variance_inflation_factor

Set Notebook Options

  • Set color of plot to be contrast
  • Suppress warning of pandas chaining assignment
  • Change float format to three decimal places
  • Display all content in a pandas column

sns.set(style="ticks", color_codes=True)
pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:.3f}'.format
pd.options.display.max_colwidth = None

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

Let's us explore to better understand the provided data, by doing data preparation and visualization of the data.

Data Preparation

Before we jump into further step, we have to make sure our data is ready to be analyze. We import insurance.csv and analyze the data structure.

insurance = pd.read_csv("data_input/insurance.csv")
age sex bmi children smoker region charges
0 19 female 27.900 0 yes southwest 16884.924
1 18 male 33.770 1 no southeast 1725.552
2 28 male 33.000 3 no southeast 4449.462
3 33 male 22.705 0 no northwest 21984.471
4 32 male 28.880 0 no northwest 3866.855
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1338 entries, 0 to 1337
Data columns (total 7 columns):
 #   Column    Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------    --------------  -----  
 0   age       1338 non-null   int64  
 1   sex       1338 non-null   object 
 2   bmi       1338 non-null   float64
 3   children  1338 non-null   int64  
 4   smoker    1338 non-null   object 
 5   region    1338 non-null   object 
 6   charges   1338 non-null   float64
dtypes: float64(2), int64(2), object(3)
memory usage: 73.3+ KB

insurance is a DataFrame object with 1338 rows and 7 columns. There is no missing value present in our data. Here are the explanation for each columns:

  • age: age of primary beneficiary (in years)
  • sex: gender of insurance contractor, either female or male
  • bmi: Body Mass Index which provides an understanding of a body by using a number expressing the ratio of body weight (in kilograms) to height squared (in meters). The value of bmi is ideally between 18.5 and 24.9
  • children: number of children/dependents covered by health insurance
  • smoker: whether the primary beneficiary smoking or not
  • region: the beneficiary's residential area in the US, either northeast, southeast, southwest, or northwest
  • charges: Individual medical costs billed by health insurance

Note: We will use charges as our target variable and the rest as the candidate predictors.

Based on the explanation above, we have to convert the data type of column sex, smoker, and region into categorical data.

insurance[['sex', 'smoker', 'region']] = insurance[['sex', 'smoker', 'region']].astype('category')
age            int64
sex         category
bmi          float64
children       int64
smoker      category
region      category
charges      float64
dtype: object

We investigate the levels for each categorical data

for col in insurance.select_dtypes('category').columns:
    print(f"{col}: {insurance[col].cat.categories.values}")
sex: ['female' 'male']
smoker: ['no' 'yes']
region: ['northeast' 'northwest' 'southeast' 'southwest']


We visualize the numerical variables using pair plot. Plots on the diagonal represent the distribution of each variables, and the rest will be plotted as scatter plot.

pair_plot = sns.pairplot(insurance, diag_kind="kde",
                         corner=True, markers='+', kind="reg")
pair_plot.fig.suptitle("Pair Plot of Numerical Variables", size=25, y=1.05)

From the pair plot above, we couldn't get any interesting insight. How about the categorical variables? Let's us plot them with violin plot, which tell us the distribution of charges for categorical variable in each levels.

fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(15, 5))
for ax, col in zip(axes, insurance.select_dtypes('category').columns):
    sns.violinplot(x=col, y="charges", data=insurance, ax=ax)
fig.suptitle("Violin Plot of Categorical Variables", size=28, y=1.05)

Note: From the violin plot above, we can clearly see the difference of charges distribution based on smoker. The hypothesis is that beneficiary who is a smoker will have relatively high charges than those who aren’t. Is this statistically significant? We will try to analyze this on the modeling section.

To explore the data more, we create scatter plot which represent the distribution of numerical variables based on charges, distinguished by each categorical variables.

fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(15, 15))

for row, cat in enumerate(insurance.select_dtypes('category').columns):
    for col, num in enumerate(insurance.select_dtypes(np.number).columns[:-1]):
        sns.scatterplot(x=num, y="charges", hue=cat, data=insurance,
                        alpha=0.6, ax=axes[row][col])

    "Scatter Plot of Each Numerical and Categorical Variables", size=28, y=1.025)

Note: Three plots on the second row show us an interesting pattern. Just like the violin plot before, beneficiary who is a smoker will relatively have high charges no matter the values of age, bmi, or children.

So far, we only focus on the candidate predictors, but how about the distribution of the target variables itself?

y_boxplot = sns.boxplot(x=insurance['charges'])
y_boxplot.set_title("Boxplot of Charges")

Note: The dots which lie outside the whiskers are called as an outlier. They are data points which significantly differs from the other observations.

Next, we iteratively remove these outliers from the data and calculate exactly how many data points are considered as an outlier.

insurance_wo_outlier = insurance.copy()
while True:
    y_boxplot = plt.boxplot(insurance_wo_outlier['charges'])
    lower_whisker, upper_whisker = [
        item.get_ydata()[1] for item in y_boxplot['whiskers']]
    outlier_flag = (insurance_wo_outlier['charges'] < lower_whisker) | (
        insurance_wo_outlier['charges'] > upper_whisker)
    num_outlier = sum(outlier_flag)
    if num_outlier == 0:
        before = insurance.shape[0]
        after = insurance_wo_outlier.shape[0]
        print("Total Outlier Removed: {}/{} ({}%)".format(before-after, before,
                                                          round(100*(before-after)/before, 3)))
        print("Final Range: ({}, {})".format(lower_whisker, upper_whisker))

    print("Remove Outlier: {}/{} ({}%)".format(num_outlier, insurance_wo_outlier.shape[0],
                                               round(100*num_outlier/insurance_wo_outlier.shape[0], 3)))
    insurance_wo_outlier = insurance_wo_outlier[-outlier_flag]
Remove Outlier: 139/1338 (10.389%)
Remove Outlier: 55/1199 (4.587%)
Remove Outlier: 20/1144 (1.748%)
Remove Outlier: 6/1124 (0.534%)
Remove Outlier: 2/1118 (0.179%)
Total Outlier Removed: 222/1338 (16.592%)
Final Range: (1121.8739, 23401.30575)

Warning: Outliers are not meant to always be removed because they may be informative. Thus, we have to try handle it case-by-case. In the next modelling section, we will compare models with and without outliers. Besides removing outliers, one other way is to perform the transformation with the Box-Cox function, but this is not the focus of this post.


In order to apply Linear Regression to our data, we have to check the correlation between each candidate predictors and charges as the target variable. Variable will not be a good predictor if it doesn't significantly correlated with the target variable.

Correlation is a statistical measure on how strong a linear relationship between two variables. The values ranged between -1.0 and 1.0, where:

  • Positive value = positive correlation, means one variable increases as the other variable increases, or vice versa. The closer to 1, the stronger the positive relationship.
  • Negative value = negative correlation, means one variable decreases as the other variable increases, or vice versa. The closer to -1, the stronger the negative relationship.
  • Zero = no correlation, means that a variable has nothing to do with the other variable.

Pearson's Correlation Coefficient is one type of correlation which measures the linear relationship between two quantitative variables.

corr_heatmap = sns.heatmap(insurance.corr(method="pearson"),
                           annot=True, fmt='.3f', linewidths=5, cmap="Reds")
corr_heatmap.set_title("Pearson Correlation", size=25)

Note: The Pearson correlation between charges and the other numerical variables is positively correlated but not very high, means they have a weak linear relationship in the same direction.

Variable Assumption: Linearity

We also have to perform statistical significancy test to check the linearity of all candidate predictors to our target variable, including the categorical variables. Spearman's rank correlation is a non-parametric test which can be used to measure the degree of association between categorical and numerical variables.

Here is the hypothesis of the test:

  • Null Hypothesis ($H_0$): Correlation is not significant
  • Alternative Hypothesis ($H_1$): Correlation is significant

def check_linearity(data, target_var, SL=0.05):
    cor_test_list = []
    for col in data.drop(target_var, axis=1).columns:
        if col in data.select_dtypes('category').columns:
            cor_test = stats.spearmanr(data[col], data[target_var])
            cor_type = "Spearman"
            cor_test = stats.pearsonr(data[col], data[target_var])
            cor_type = "Pearson"
        cor_dict = {"Predictor": col,
                    "Type": cor_type,
                    "Correlation": cor_test[0],
                    "P-Value": cor_test[1],
                    "Conclusion": "significant" if cor_test[1] < SL else "not significant"}
    return pd.DataFrame(cor_test_list)

check_linearity(insurance, "charges")
Predictor Type Correlation P-Value Conclusion
0 age Pearson 0.299 0.000 significant
1 sex Spearman 0.009 0.729 not significant
2 bmi Pearson 0.198 0.000 significant
3 children Pearson 0.068 0.013 significant
4 smoker Spearman 0.663 0.000 significant
5 region Spearman -0.044 0.111 not significant

Note: From the correlation test above, we can conclude that sex and region will not have significant correlation to charges. But is this statement also hold if we construct a Linear model from the data? We’ll see in the next section.


From previous section, we can summarize:

  • Beneficiary who is a smoker have relatively high charges
  • Numerical candidate predictors (age, bmi, children) have positive correlation to charges
  • sex and region have no significant correlation to charges
  • We have to keep in mind about the outliers of charges

In this section, we try to construct a linear model to further analyze and interpret the result.

Data Preparation

We have to do some data preparation specifically for modeling:

  • Separate the target variable from the predictors
  • Create dummy variables for the categorical predictors
  • Train test split in order to evaluate our model, with 80% train and 20% test
X_raw = insurance.drop(["charges"], axis=1)
y = insurance.charges.values

# dummy variables
X = pd.get_dummies(X_raw,

# train-test split
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
    X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=333)
print("X Train:", X_train.shape)
print("X Test:", X_test.shape)
print("y Train:", y_train.shape)
print("y Test:", y_test.shape)
X Train: (1070, 8)
X Test: (268, 8)
y Train: (1070,)
y Test: (268,)

Linear model with all predictors

This is the equation of Multiple Linear Regression that we have to estimate: $\hat{Y} = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X_1 + \beta_2 X_2 + ... + \beta_n X_n$ where:

  • $\hat{Y}$ is the predicted value of target variable
  • $X_1, X_2, ..., X_n$ are the predictors
  • $\beta_0$ is the intercept / constant
  • $\beta_1, \beta_2, ..., \beta_n$ are the slope of respective predictors $X_1, X_2, ..., X_n$
  • $n$ is the number of predictors

As a starting point, let's us fit a linear model with all existing predictors and see how it goes.

model_all = sm.OLS(y_train, sm.add_constant(X_train))
result_all =
                            OLS Regression Results                            
Dep. Variable:                      y   R-squared:                       0.740
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.738
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                     378.2
Date:                Thu, 21 Oct 2021   Prob (F-statistic):          2.00e-304
Time:                        00:42:30   Log-Likelihood:                -10846.
No. Observations:                1070   AIC:                         2.171e+04
Df Residuals:                    1061   BIC:                         2.175e+04
Df Model:                           8                                         
Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                       coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [0.025      0.975]
const            -1.224e+04   1112.140    -11.010      0.000   -1.44e+04   -1.01e+04
age                267.4967     13.392     19.974      0.000     241.218     293.775
bmi                336.8498     32.103     10.493      0.000     273.857     399.843
children           406.3633    155.040      2.621      0.009     102.143     710.584
sex_male          -219.7955    376.724     -0.583      0.560    -959.004     519.413
smoker_yes        2.369e+04    475.879     49.777      0.000    2.28e+04    2.46e+04
region_northwest   -80.1959    532.812     -0.151      0.880   -1125.681     965.289
region_southeast  -985.3338    546.166     -1.804      0.072   -2057.022      86.354
region_southwest  -842.4895    538.704     -1.564      0.118   -1899.536     214.557
Omnibus:                      273.543   Durbin-Watson:                   2.012
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.000   Jarque-Bera (JB):              708.949
Skew:                           1.329   Prob(JB):                    1.13e-154
Kurtosis:                       5.973   Cond. No.                         310.

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.

Wow, there's a lot of information and numbers! Here are some important terms:

Top Section

  • R-squared tells about the goodness of the fit, ranges between 0 and 1. The closer the value to 1, the better it explains the dependent variables variation in the model. However, it is biased in a way that it never decreases when we add new variables.
  • Adj. R-squared has a penalising factor. It decreases or stays identical to the previous value as the number of predictors increases. If the value keeps increasing on removing the unnecessary parameters go ahead with the model or stop and revert.
  • F-statistic used to compare two variances and the value is always greater than 0. In regression, it is the ratio of the explained to the unexplained variance of the model.
  • AIC stands for Akaike’s information criterion. It estimates the relative amount of information lost by a given model. The lower the AIC, the higher the quality of that model.

Mid Section

  • coef is the coefficient/estimate value of intercept and slope.
  • $P>|t|$ refers to the p-value of partial tests with the null hypothesis $H_0$ that the coefficient is equal to zero (no effect). A low p-value (< 0.05) indicates that the predictor has significant effect to the target variable.

Bottom Section

  • Omnibus - D'Angostino's test. It provides a combined statistical test for the presence of skewness and kurtosis.
  • Skew informs about the data symmetry about the mean.
  • Kurtosis measures the shape of the distribution (i.e. the amount of data close to the mean than far away from the mean).

Note: From the summary result above, we can conclude that the performance of model is moderate (Adj. R-squared of 73.8%) and there are two insignificant predictors (sex and region), which align with the statement on Exploratory Data Analysis section.

Feature Selection

How we can further improve our model? One way is by feature selection using step-wise regression, specifically backward elimination and forward selection. On each step, we remove/select the predictors which results a smaller AIC. Besides that, we also have to really consider the business case also. This plays a role in making decision about which predictors are going to be used in our model.

Backward Elimination

def backwardEliminationByAIC(X, y, show_iter=True):
    X_step = X.copy()
    num_iter = 1
    drop_list = []
    while True:
        res_list = []
        for col in ['none'] + list(X_step.columns):
            X_curr = X_step.drop(col, axis=1) if col != "none" else X_step
            model = sm.OLS(y, sm.add_constant(X_curr)).fit()
            res_list.append({"drop": col, "aic": model.aic})

        curr_res = pd.DataFrame(res_list).sort_values("aic")
        col_to_be_removed = list(curr_res["drop"])[0]

        if show_iter:
            print("Iteration {}: Drop {}".format(num_iter, col_to_be_removed))

        if col_to_be_removed == "none":
            X_step = X_step.drop(col_to_be_removed, axis=1)
        num_iter += 1
    X_back = X.drop(drop_list, axis=1)
    model_back = sm.OLS(y, sm.add_constant(X_back))
    return model_back

model_back = backwardEliminationByAIC(X, y)
predictor_back = model_back.exog_names[1:]
Iteration 1: Drop sex_male
drop aic
sex_male 27111.662
region_northwest 27112.059
none 27113.506
region_southwest 27115.562
region_southeast 27116.204
children 27123.439
bmi 27246.117
age 27513.667
smoker_yes 28790.423
Iteration 2: Drop region_northwest
drop aic
region_northwest 27110.213
none 27111.662
region_southwest 27113.713
region_southeast 27114.354
children 27121.551
bmi 27244.141
age 27512.317
smoker_yes 28792.896
Iteration 3: Drop none
drop aic
none 27110.213
region_southwest 27111.806
region_southeast 27112.503
children 27119.957
bmi 27242.621
age 27510.818
smoker_yes 28792.253

Note: The predictors that backward elimination method recommends are age, bmi, children, smoker_yes, region_southeast, region_southwest

Forward Selection

def forwardSelectionByAIC(X, y, show_iter=True):
    X_step = pd.DataFrame(sm.add_constant(X)['const'])
    num_iter = 1
    add_list = []

    while True:
        res_list = [{"add": "none", "aic": sm.OLS(
            y, sm.add_constant(X_step)).fit().aic}]
        for col in list(set(X.columns) - set(add_list)):
            X_curr = X[add_list + [col]]
            model = sm.OLS(y, sm.add_constant(X_curr)).fit()
            res_list.append({"add": col, "aic": model.aic})

        curr_res = pd.DataFrame(res_list).sort_values("aic")
        col_to_be_added = list(curr_res["add"])[0]

        if show_iter:
            print("Iteration {}: Add {}".format(num_iter, col_to_be_added))

        if col_to_be_added == "none":
            X_step = X[add_list]
        num_iter += 1
    X_forward = X[add_list]
    model_forward = sm.OLS(y, sm.add_constant(X_forward))
    return model_forward

model_forward = forwardSelectionByAIC(X, y)
predictor_forward = model_forward.exog_names[1:]
Iteration 1: Add smoker_yes
add aic
smoker_yes 27665.464
age 28833.949
bmi 28905.564
region_southeast 28951.920
children 28953.062
sex_male 28954.864
region_southwest 28956.763
region_northwest 28957.131
none 28957.263
Iteration 2: Add age
add aic
age 27251.324
bmi 27525.890
children 27653.886
none 27665.464
region_southeast 27666.041
region_southwest 27666.760
region_northwest 27667.051
sex_male 27667.438
Iteration 3: Add bmi
add aic
bmi 27121.836
children 27242.027
region_southeast 27250.719
none 27251.324
region_southwest 27251.930
region_northwest 27252.805
sex_male 27253.270
Iteration 4: Add children
add aic
children 27112.035
region_southeast 27121.349
none 27121.836
region_southwest 27122.498
region_northwest 27123.102
sex_male 27123.729
Iteration 5: Add region_southeast
add aic
region_southeast 27111.806
none 27112.035
region_southwest 27112.503
region_northwest 27113.443
sex_male 27113.886
Iteration 6: Add region_southwest
add aic
region_southwest 27110.213
none 27111.806
sex_male 27113.655
region_northwest 27113.713
Iteration 7: Add none
add aic
none 27110.213
region_northwest 27111.662
sex_male 27112.059
set(predictor_back) == set(predictor_forward)

Note: The predictors that forward selection method recommends are just the same as backward selection recommends: age, bmi, children, smoker_yes, region_southeast, region_southwest

Business Case

When building a model, we have to take into consideration about the business perspective also. According to, five factors that can affect a plan’s premium are location, age, tobacco use, plan category, and whether the plan covers dependents. Insurance companies can’t charge women and men different prices for the same plan.

Note: In conclusion, based on the step-wise regression and business case, we should have the following predictors: age, bmi, children, smoker, region.

Model Comparison

In this section, we are going to compare the following models:

  1. Model with all predictors
  2. Model without predictor sex
  3. Model without predictor sex and region
  4. All of the above models with outlier removed

We define the function experimentModel() to compare these models later.

def experimentModel(X_train, X_test, y_train, ignore_var=[]):
    X_train_new = X_train.drop(ignore_var, axis=1)
    X_test_new = X_test.drop(ignore_var, axis=1)
    model_new = sm.OLS(y_train, sm.add_constant(X_train_new))
    result_new =
    return X_test_new, result_new

Second and Third Model

X_test_wo_sex, result_wo_sex = \
    experimentModel(X_train, X_test, y_train, ignore_var=['sex_male'])

# 3. Model without predictor sex and region
X_test_wo_sex_region, result_wo_sex_region = \
    experimentModel(X_train, X_test, y_train, ignore_var=[
                    'sex_male', 'region_northwest', 'region_southeast', 'region_southwest'])

Models without Outliers

Recall that 16.592% of our target variable are outliers. Next, we try to build the same three models above with the outliers being removed:

  1. Model with all predictors
  2. Model without predictor sex
  3. Model without predictor sex and region

X_wo_outlier = X.iloc[insurance_wo_outlier.index]
y_wo_outlier = insurance_wo_outlier.charges.values
X_train_wo_outlier, X_test_wo_outlier, y_train_wo_outlier, y_test_wo_outlier = train_test_split(
    X_wo_outlier, y_wo_outlier, test_size=0.2, random_state=333)
print("X Train:", X_train_wo_outlier.shape)
print("X Test:", X_test_wo_outlier.shape)
print("y Train:", y_train_wo_outlier.shape)
print("y Test:", y_test_wo_outlier.shape)
X Train: (892, 8)
X Test: (224, 8)
y Train: (892,)
y Test: (224,)
X_test_wo_outlier_all, result_wo_outlier_all = \
    experimentModel(X_train_wo_outlier, X_test_wo_outlier, y_train_wo_outlier)

X_test_wo_outlier_wo_sex, result_wo_outlier_wo_sex = \
    experimentModel(X_train_wo_outlier, X_test_wo_outlier,
                    y_train_wo_outlier, ignore_var=['sex_male'])

X_test_wo_outlier_wo_sex_region, result_wo_outlier_wo_sex_region = \
    experimentModel(X_train_wo_outlier, X_test_wo_outlier, y_train_wo_outlier, ignore_var=[
                    'sex_male', 'region_northwest', 'region_southeast', 'region_southwest'])


In order to choose the best model, we are going to consider several metrics:

  • R-squared, the higher the better
  • Adjusted R-squared, the higher the better
  • Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), the lower the better
  • Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), the lower the better

def evalRegression(model, X_true, y_true, outlier=True, decimal=5):
    y_pred = model.predict(sm.add_constant(X_true))

    metric = {
        "Predictor": sorted(model.model.exog_names[1:]),
        "Outlier": "Included" if outlier else "Excluded",
        "R-sq": round(model.rsquared, decimal),
        "Adj. R-sq": round(model.rsquared_adj, decimal),
        "RMSE": round(np.sqrt(metrics.mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred)), decimal),
        "MAPE": round(np.mean(np.abs((y_true - y_pred) / y_true)) * 100, decimal)

    return metric

eval_df = pd.DataFrame([
    evalRegression(result_all, X_test, y_test),
    evalRegression(result_wo_sex, X_test_wo_sex, y_test),
    evalRegression(result_wo_sex_region, X_test_wo_sex_region, y_test),
    evalRegression(result_wo_outlier_all, X_test_wo_outlier_all,
                   y_test_wo_outlier, outlier=False),
                   X_test_wo_outlier_wo_sex, y_test_wo_outlier, outlier=False),
    evalRegression(result_wo_outlier_wo_sex_region, X_test_wo_outlier_wo_sex_region, y_test_wo_outlier, outlier=False)],
    index=range(1, 7)) = "Model"
Predictor Outlier R-sq Adj. R-sq RMSE MAPE
1 [age, bmi, children, region_northwest, region_southeast, region_southwest, sex_male, smoker_yes] Included 0.740 0.738 5790.481 40.135
2 [age, bmi, children, region_northwest, region_southeast, region_southwest, smoker_yes] Included 0.740 0.739 5787.291 39.909
3 [age, bmi, children, smoker_yes] Included 0.739 0.738 5797.358 40.540
4 [age, bmi, children, region_northwest, region_southeast, region_southwest, sex_male, smoker_yes] Excluded 0.683 0.680 2582.015 21.894
5 [age, bmi, children, region_northwest, region_southeast, region_southwest, smoker_yes] Excluded 0.682 0.679 2592.232 21.893
6 [age, bmi, children, smoker_yes] Excluded 0.677 0.675 2602.342 22.538

We are going to select the best model out of the six models, here are the thought process:

  1. Compare the first three models (with outlier) with the last three models (without outlier). We can see that models with outlier have better R-squared and Adjusted R-squared, but worst in terms of error. In this case, we prefer models without outlier, since the drop of MAPE is quite significant.
  2. Out of the three models without outlier, the model with all predictors has the highest Adj. R-sq and the lowest RMSE. But according to the statistical test and business case, we should remove sex predictor. On the other hand, region must be included due to the business case even though it is not significant statistically. So, in this case we choose model 5, having the lowest MAPE.
final_X_test = X_test_wo_outlier_wo_sex
final_y_test = y_test_wo_outlier
final_result = result_wo_outlier_wo_sex

Regularized Linear Regression

Here, we try to improve the model 5 performance by using regularized linear regression. There are two simple techniques to reduce model complexity and prevent overfitting:

  1. Ridge Regression, the cost function is added by a penalty weight equivalent to the square of the coefficients. This shrinks the coefficients and helps to reduce the model complexity and multicollinearity.
  2. Lasso (Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator) Regression, which helps reducing overfitting and also used as feature selection.

def evalRegularizedRegression(model_result, X_test, y_test):
    model = model_result.model
    eval_regularized_list = []
    for alpha in np.linspace(0, 10, 101):
        for fit_type in [0, 1]:
            result_regularized = model.fit_regularized(alpha=round(alpha, 2),
            final = sm.regression.linear_model.OLSResults(model,
            metric = {}
            metric["alpha"] = alpha
            metric["Fit Type"] = "Ridge" if fit_type == 0 else "Lasso"
            metric.update(evalRegression(final, X_test, y_test, outlier=False))

    return pd.DataFrame(eval_regularized_list)

eval_regularized = evalRegularizedRegression(
    final_result, final_X_test, final_y_test)

for metric in ["Adj. R-sq", "MAPE"]:
    facet = sns.FacetGrid(eval_regularized, col="Fit Type")
    facet =, "alpha", metric)
    facet.set_axis_labels("Penalty Weight")
        "Evaluate Regularized Linear Regression by {}".format(metric), y=1.05)

Display alpha of Ridge and Lasso regression with maximum Adj. R-squared and minimum MAPE:

eval_regularized[(eval_regularized["Adj. R-sq"] == max(eval_regularized["Adj. R-sq"])) &
                 (eval_regularized["MAPE"] == min(eval_regularized["MAPE"]))]
alpha Fit Type Outlier R-sq Adj. R-sq RMSE MAPE
0 0.000 Ridge Excluded 0.682 0.679 2592.232 21.893
1 0.000 Lasso Excluded 0.682 0.679 2592.232 21.893

Note: Based on the result, it recommends us to penalize the parameters using $\alpha = 0$ which means no regularization is needed. Unfortunately, we couldn’t improve the model performance by this technique. So we stick with the previous model 5.

Model Interpretation

Here is our final model:

                            OLS Regression Results                            
Dep. Variable:                      y   R-squared:                       0.682
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.679
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                     270.6
Date:                Thu, 21 Oct 2021   Prob (F-statistic):          7.44e-215
Time:                        00:42:45   Log-Likelihood:                -8426.1
No. Observations:                 892   AIC:                         1.687e+04
Df Residuals:                     884   BIC:                         1.691e+04
Df Model:                           7                                         
Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                       coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [0.025      0.975]
const            -2242.1832    615.674     -3.642      0.000   -3450.537   -1033.830
age                234.3111      7.570     30.954      0.000     219.455     249.168
bmi                 33.8275     18.178      1.861      0.063      -1.850      69.505
children           391.3095     83.633      4.679      0.000     227.166     555.453
smoker_yes        1.279e+04    394.893     32.378      0.000     1.2e+04    1.36e+04
region_northwest  -601.5380    298.373     -2.016      0.044   -1187.140     -15.936
region_southeast -1059.6102    300.616     -3.525      0.000   -1649.615    -469.605
region_southwest  -873.3672    289.939     -3.012      0.003   -1442.416    -304.318
Omnibus:                      731.400   Durbin-Watson:                   2.077
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.000   Jarque-Bera (JB):            11357.656
Skew:                           3.857   Prob(JB):                         0.00
Kurtosis:                      18.687   Cond. No.                         315.

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
const              -2242.183
age                  234.311
bmi                   33.828
children             391.309
smoker_yes         12785.840
region_northwest    -601.538
region_southeast   -1059.610
region_southwest    -873.367
dtype: float64

We can interpret the coefficient of model summary as follows:

  • One unit increase in age, bmi, and children will increase insurance charges by 234.3, 33.8, 391.3 respectively
  • Being a smoker will cost 12785.84 more charges than those who aren't (what a significant increase!)
  • If two beneficiaries have the same age, bmi, children, and smoker, then people who are living in southeast will have the smallest charges than other region. On the other hand, people who are living in northeast will have the largest charges.

Check Model Assumptions

The linear regression model is the most rigid model among others. Several assumptions must be met in order to satisfy the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE).

Normality of Residual

The residuals have to distribute around mean 0 and some variance, which follows a standard normal distribution. We plot a histogram to visualize the distribution of the residuals.

def plotResidualNormality(residual):
    residual_histogram = sns.histplot(residual)
    residual_histogram.set_ylabel("Relative Frequency")
    residual_histogram.set_title("Distribution of Residuals", size=25)
    return residual_histogram

y_pred = final_result.predict(sm.add_constant(final_X_test))
residual = final_y_test - y_pred

Another way is to statistically test the normality using Shapiro-Wilk test.

  • Null Hypothesis ($H_0$): Residuals are normally distributed
  • Alternative Hypothesis ($H_1$): Residuals are not normally distributed

def statResidualNormality(residual):
    W, pvalue = stats.shapiro(residual)
    print("Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test")
    print("W: {}, p-value: {}".format(W, pvalue))
Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test
W: 0.4523528814315796, p-value: 1.0307846384403909e-25

Note: From Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test, we reject the null hypothesis since the p-value < 0.05 and conclude that the residuals are not normally distributed. Thus, assumption is not passed.


The residuals have to distributed homogeneously which means residuals has a constant variance and doesn't form any pattern. We can visualize it using a scatter plot.

def plotResidualHomoscedasticity(y_true, y_pred):
    residual = y_true - y_pred
    residual_scatter = sns.scatterplot(x=y_pred, y=residual)
    residual_scatter.axhline(0, ls='--', c="red")
    residual_scatter.set_xlabel("Fitted Value")
    residual_scatter.set_title("Scatter Plot of Residuals", size=25)
    return residual_scatter

plotResidualHomoscedasticity(final_y_test, y_pred)

Another way is to statistically test the homoscedasticity using Breusch-Pagan test.

  • Null Hypothesis ($H_0$): Variation of residual is constant (Homoscedasticity)
  • Alternative Hypothesis ($H_1$): Variation of residual is not constant (Heteroscedasticity)

def statResidualHomoscedasticity(X, residual):
    lm, lm_pvalue, fvalue, f_pvalue = sm.stats.diagnostic.het_breuschpagan(
        residual, np.array(sm.add_constant(X)))

    print("Studentized Breusch-Pagan Test")
    print("Lagrange Multiplier: {}, p-value: {}".format(lm, lm_pvalue))
    print("F: {}, p-value: {}".format(fvalue, f_pvalue))

statResidualHomoscedasticity(final_X_test, residual)
Studentized Breusch-Pagan Test
Lagrange Multiplier: 10.58590985799841, p-value: 0.1577290355280313
F: 1.5305968436467638, p-value: 0.15816141333372216

Note: From Studentized Breusch-Pagan Test, we fail to reject the null hypothesis since the p-value > 0.05 and conclude that variation of residual is constant (Homoscedasticity). Thus, assumption is passed.

No Multicollinearity

Multicollinearity is a condition where at least two predictors have a strong linear relationship. We expect the model to have little to no multicollinearity. It exists if the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) value is greater than 10.

vif_list = []
for idx, col in enumerate(final_result.model.exog_names[1:]):
    vif_dict = {"Variable": col,
                "VIF": variance_inflation_factor(final_result.model.exog, idx+1)}

Variable VIF
0 age 1.039
1 bmi 1.183
2 children 1.003
3 smoker_yes 1.090
4 region_northwest 1.499
5 region_southeast 1.624
6 region_southwest 1.541

Note: From VIF value, we can conclude that there is only little multicollinearity exist in our model. Thus, assumption is passed.


Linear regression is a highly interpretable model, meaning we can understand and account the predictors that are being included and excluded from the model. From the model summary, we know that being a smoker will cause a significant increase in beneficiary's charges than those who aren't.

In the end, we choose the model which excludes the outlier data since it gives us a better prediction (lower error performance, but the trade-off is a lower Adjusted R-squared. Using regularization worsen the overall model performance.

The normality of residual assumption is not fulfilled. This can be handled by several ways:

  • Try to transform the target variable using Box-Cox (logarithm or square-root function) transformation.
  • If we only focus on building a robust model without interpretation, then we can try ensemble methods to prevent rigid model assumptions, such as Random Forest Regressor.